Types of Sentences & Sentence Structure.
When you bring together a group of words that have a complete meaning, then you construct what is known as a sentence. This fundamental building block of language allows us to communicate effectively. Basically, a sentence contains a subject as well as a predicate. The subject tells us who or what the sentence is about, while the predicate provides information about the subject. It is also good to note that a sentence can consist of a main clause and a subordinate clause or a main clause and a number of subordinate clauses. This structure adds complexity and depth to our communication. Normally, there are different types of sentences.
Each type serves a unique purpose in conveying meaning. Before we get into the various forms in which sentences appear, it is good to note that the objective that one ought to accomplish determines the kind of sentence that he/she comes up with. Understanding the purpose behind a sentence can enhance its effectiveness. Specifically, the various intentions of writing a sentence include: relaying information, showing extra emotion, asking a question, and giving directions of what is supposed to be done. These intentions guide the choice of sentence type. Highlighted below are the different kinds of sentences.
• One of the four types of sentences is a declarative sentence. This type is the most common in everyday communication. The main goal of this kind of a sentence is to pass across information. It serves as a straightforward way to convey facts or opinions. You can easily differentiate this sentence from the interrogative and exclamatory sentences because it ends with a period. This punctuation marks the end of a complete thought. In other words, such sentences make statements. They can be used to assert a belief or share knowledge. It does not matter whether the given statement is an opinion or a fact. Both types can be expressed through declarative sentences.
• Interrogative sentences. These sentences play a crucial role in communication by seeking information. Just as the name suggests, the purpose of this unique type of sentence is to interrogate. They invite responses and encourage dialogue. In other words, such sentences ask questions. Questions are essential for clarifying understanding and gathering information. Going in line with this, they normally end with a question mark. This punctuation signals to the reader that a response is expected. Specifically, words such as “how,” “when,” and “what” are commonly used to start direct questions. These question words help to focus the inquiry. It is also good that there are interrogative sentences that begin with a verb. This structure can create a more direct and engaging question.
• Exclamatory sentences. These sentences add emotional depth to our communication. Similar to declarative sentences, exclamatory sentences make statements. However, they do so with heightened intensity. However, it is good to note that this type of sentence expresses a strong emotion. They can convey excitement, surprise, or other strong feelings. Unlike declarative and interrogative sentences that end with a period and question mark respectively, an exclamatory sentence is punctuated by the use of an exclamation mark. This punctuation emphasizes the emotional weight of the statement. A helpful tip for writing an exclamatory sentence is that you should avoid including them in academic papers. In formal writing, clarity and restraint are often preferred.
• The final type of sentences is imperative sentences. These sentences are essential for giving clear instructions. These sentences give a command or instructions to do something. They guide the reader on what actions to take. Notably, these sentences are punctuated using a period or an exclamation mark when one wants to put more emphasis on the emotion. The choice of punctuation can affect the tone of the command. We are ready to offer you imperative sentence writing guidance today. Our expertise can help you craft effective commands. Simply place your order at our firm, and we promise you that you will not do it. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our services.
Tags: Declarative Sentences, Exclamatory Sentences, Interrogative Sentences, Sentence Structure, Types of Sentences